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发布时间:2022-04-03 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

Factors affecting outlet temperature of Roots blower in pneumatic conveying system
There are many factors affecting the outlet temperature of Roots blower, mainly including: volume efficiency, working pressure, internal leakage of blower, temperature of suction air, etc. Today, the technicians of Daoyuan Fengda will share with you how to cool the roots blower.
1. Generally, we have sound insulation device for Roots blower. We must open the sound insulation cover door in summer. The acoustic enclosure forms a closed space, which increases the ambient temperature, resulting in the high temperature of the inhaled air and the high temperature of the outlet. Many roots fans with sound insulation cover have an inlet temperature of more than 45 degrees in summer.
2. If the fan is installed indoors. Air conditioning can be installed if conditions permit. Don't regret the cost of air conditioning and electricity. Because the service life of the motor decreases a lot for every 10 degrees increase in the temperature of the motor. Therefore, indoor air conditioning can not only prolong the service life of the equipment, but also reduce the outlet temperature.
3. Reducing the inlet temperature and outlet pressure can help us reduce the temperature. If you want to further understand why, you need to understand a formula. Outlet temperature of three blade roots fan = inlet temperature + (10-12) * pressure. If you don't understand, you can contact the staff of our company.
4. Reduce the bends of the pipeline and reduce the pressure loss of the pipeline and other pressure losses as much as possible.
The above is a detailed introduction to the design of Shandong pneumatic conveying scheme. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.sddyfd.com/