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发布时间:2022-05-13 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

Advantages of rotary feeder
1. By adopting the principle of planetary rotation, the input and output shafts are on the same axis and have the uniqueness of direct connection with the motor, so the structure is compact, the shape is beautiful and novel, the volume is small and the weight is light.
2. Excellent sealing performance, uniform and stable feeding, stable unloading operation, low noise, few faults, long service life and high wear resistance.
3. Bearing and The gear box is far away from the valve body to avoid the influence of high-temperature dust. The front and rear end covers have good sealing performance to prevent dust leakage and prolong the service life of motor parts and lubrication system.
4. Strong overload capacity, impact resistance and small inertia force, suitable for frequent starting and reverse rotation.
5. Special motors are configured according to the needs of users, such as explosion-proof, frequency modulation, speed regulation, marine motors, etc., to meet the special requirements of users. In terms of material, special processing can also be carried out according to the needs of users, such as high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, stainless steel, flexible blade, explosion-proof impeller, etc.
中高压旋转供料器 含主机,连接侧板,链轮,链条,链罩等 接料器和供料器是使物料与空气混合并送入输料管的一种设备,是风运装置的咽喉。接料器的结构是否合理,直接影响整个风运装置的输送量、工作的稳定性和电耗的高低。所以,如何根据装置的不同工作条件,正确地设计和选用合理的接料器,是提高风运工作效果的重要环节。
The medium and high pressure rotary feeder includes the host, connecting the feeder and feeder such as side plate, sprocket, chain and chain cover. It is a kind of equipment to mix materials with air and send them to the conveying pipe. It is the throat of the air transportation device. Whether the structure of the feeder is reasonable or not directly affects the conveying capacity, working stability and power consumption of the whole air transportation device. Therefore, how to correctly design and select a reasonable feeder according to different working conditions of the device is an important link to improve the working effect of air transportation.
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The wonderful contents of this article are provided by Guangdong rotary feeder. There are many wonderful contents on this website. You can click to enter more contents: http://www.sddyfd.com/ We have special customer service to answer your questions