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发布时间:2022-07-09 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

Rotary feeder is also known as star feeder, air lock, air shutter, etc. The general structure and working principle of the rotary feeder is that the material in the upper hopper is rotated in the cylindrical shell with several leaves and conveyed to the lower part for unloading through the space rotation of the leaves. For the pneumatic conveying (pressure feeding and suction feeding) system, it is necessary to rotate the feeder to complete the above unloading function without allowing the high-pressure gas to leak to the upper silo through the feeder, which will affect the falling of materials. Therefore, the rotating feeder is an important component of the pneumatic conveying system. It can evenly and continuously supply quantitative materials to the conveying pipe, so as to complete the conveying of materials. In the separation and dust collection part of the system, it can also be used as the function of the unloader.
It is suitable for materials with abrasive powder particles. The shell is equipped with replaceable bushing to prolong the service life. The rotor is overlaid with high hardness alloy, and the bushing is plated with hard chromium It is widely used in power plant desulfurization, fly ash transportation, cement building materials, wharf suction and unloading, mixing station and other industries The overall dimension and other properties are consistent with those of ordinary carbon steel rotary feeder
Product features:
The high-temperature, high-pressure and high-performance integrated feeder (unloader) has a combined configuration of the rotary feeder. The feeder adopts design, high temperature, high performance, uniform speed and excellent sealing performance.
Wear resistant standard rotary feeder:
1. Feeding characteristics: the volumetric efficiency is adjusted with the change of speed to adapt to a wide range of speed; It changes little with the operating pressure and adapts to the working condition range from low pressure to high pressure.
2. Compact structure, small volume, good sealing performance, and low rotary air leakage.
3. Special anti jam technology is adopted, which can operate smoothly even when conveying granular materials at high speed, and the material crushing rate is very low.
4. Not only for pneumatic conveying; It is also suitable for unloading under air pressure.
5. Adopt two-way sealing of peripheral bearings. Under high temperature conditions, there is no need to use cooling water devices.
The above is a detailed introduction about Jiangxi high seal rotary feeder. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.sddyfd.com/