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发布时间:2022-09-19 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

Roots blower is a volume rotary blower. The compressor keeps the two rotors engaged by the synchronous gear at the rotor shaft end. Each concave curved surface on the rotor forms a working volume with the inner wall of the cylinder. During the rotation of the rotor, the gas is taken away from the intake port. When the rotor moves to the exhaust port near which it is connected with the exhaust port, the pressure in the working volume rises suddenly due to the backflow of high pressure gas, and then the gas is transported to the exhaust channel. The two rotors do not contact each other, and they are sealed by a tightly controlled gap, so the discharged gas is not polluted by lubricating oil.
How does Roots blower operate with no load and normal load?
(1) Air blower no-load test run.
1) The newly installed or overhauled fans shall undergo no-load test run.
2) The concept of no-load operation of Roots blower: put it into operation when all the inlet and outlet valves are open.
3) During the test run, pay attention to whether the splash of lubricating oil is normal. If it is too much or too little, adjust the oil volume.
4) There is no abnormal smell or smoke, collision or friction sound, and the radial amplitude of the bearing is not greater than 0.08mm.
5) Operate with no load for about 30 minutes. If the condition is normal, operate with load. If it is found that the operation is abnormal, it shall be checked immediately, and the no-load operation is still required after the fault is eliminated.
(2) The blower operates normally with load
1) Gradually and slowly adjust as required, and load until rated load. It is not allowed to adjust to rated load at one time.
2) The so-called rated load refers to the static pressure difference between the air inlet and exhaust ports marked on the nameplate. When the pressure at the exhaust port is normal, pay attention to the pressure change at the air inlet to avoid overload.
3) Due to the characteristics of Roots blower, it is not allowed to directly return the gas from the exhaust port to the air inlet of the blower for a long time, otherwise the safety of the machine will be affected.
4) During the normal operation of the fan, it is strictly forbidden to completely close the air inlet and outlet valves, nor to overload operation.
5) When the blower operates under rated working condition, the surface temperature of each rolling bearing generally does not exceed 85 ℃, the lubricating oil temperature in the oil tank does not generally exceed 65 ℃, and the radial vibration near the bearing does not exceed 0.08mm.
6) Always pay attention to the splash of lubricating oil and the position of oil volume.
The above is a detailed introduction to Shandong Roots blower, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional service http://www.sddyfd.com/