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发布时间:2022-09-21 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

The Roots blower for sewage aeration has dual functions of aerobic aeration and anaerobic mixing. The blower used in Jiangxi Paper Mill can accelerate the water circulation and remove organic matters that have not been corroded for a long time. It is mainly to reduce the low frequency part of rotating noise. Considering the economy, it is usually used in large sewage treatment plants, while small sewage treatment plants are less used. The belt cover (shield) should be installed on the belt pulley (coupling) to ensure that there is no risk of operation. Will other changes occur after the air passes through Roots blower? Let's talk about it: after the air passes through the Roots blower, no other chemical changes will occur.
The efficiency of Roots blower selection also needs to be calculated according to the blade shape and the coefficient of Roots blower. Clean the bearing and replace it with new oil. It can improve the phenomenon of insufficient air pressure. The Zhangqiu Roots blower makes the gas burn more fully and has more firepower. After wear, it cannot bear the load. Roots blower belt is in high temperature environment for a long time. Natural aging is normal. Roots blower belt can be replaced once a year. Due to the high concentration of organic pollutants in this industry, it has caused great damage to the environment.
Generally, the three leaf roots blower belt can be replaced once a year. Therefore, its key role should not be underestimated. The main judgment is based on whether the grease is mixed with too many hard magazines. Assemble the gear section and the oil pan. The emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will be reduced by 3%, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will continue to decline, the chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions will be reduced by 2%, and the afforestation area will exceed 100 million mu. It is necessary to check the rotation direction of roots blower under no-load condition to ensure no-load operation. The rotation direction of roots blower is wrong. Roots aeration fan will not be checked during trial operation.
The above is a detailed introduction to Shandong rotary fan, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional service http://www.sddyfd.com/