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发布时间:2022-09-22 来源:http://www.sddyfd.com/

一、罗茨鼓风机是污水处理工程中常用的充氧设备,在污水厂风机选型时,风机厂家产品样本上给出的均是标准进气状态下的性能参数,我国规定的风机标准进气状态: 压力p0 =101. 3 kPa ,温度T0 = 20 ℃,相对湿度φ= 50 % ,空气密度ρ= 1. 2 kg/ m3 。
1、 Roots blower is a commonly used oxygenation equipment in sewage treatment engineering. When selecting the type of fan for sewage treatment plant, the performance parameters given on the fan manufacturer's product samples are under the standard air inlet state. The standard air inlet state of the fan specified in China is: pressure p0=101.3 kPa, temperature T0=20 ℃, and relative humidity φ=  50%, air density ρ=  1. 2 kg/ m3 。
However, the fan is not in the standard state in actual use. When the environmental conditions of the fan, such as temperature, atmospheric pressure and altitude, are different, the performance of the fan will also change. The performance parameters on the product samples cannot be directly used in the design and selection of the fan. Instead, the performance requirements of the fan need to be converted into the fan parameters under the standard intake state according to the actual use state to select the fan.
2、 In the selection of Roots blower, attention should be paid to the analysis of factors affecting the blower outlet pressure. The exhaust pressure of the volumetric blower does not depend on the blower itself, but on the device after the gas is discharged by the blower, which is determined by the so-called "back pressure". The aeration blower has the characteristics of forced gas transmission.
鼓风机铭牌上标出的排气压力是风机的额定排气压力。实际上,鼓风机可以在低于额定排气压力的任意压力下工作,而且只要强度和排气温度允许,也可以超过额定排气压力工作。对于污水处理厂而言,排气系统所产生的压力(背压) 为管路系统的压力损失值、曝气池水深和环境大气压力之和,若由于某种原因,如曝气头或管路堵塞,使管路系统的压力损失增加,“背压”也会升高,于是鼓风机的压力也就相应升高;又若曝气头破裂或管路泄漏等原因,管路系统的压力损失则会减少“, 背压”便不断降低,鼓风机的压力也随之降低。
The exhaust pressure marked on the nameplate of the blower is the rated exhaust pressure of the blower. In fact, the blower can work at any pressure lower than the rated exhaust pressure, and can also work beyond the rated exhaust pressure as long as the strength and exhaust temperature allow. For the sewage treatment plant, the pressure (back pressure) generated by the exhaust system is the sum of the pressure loss value of the pipeline system, the water depth of the aeration tank and the ambient atmospheric pressure. If the pressure loss of the pipeline system increases due to some reason, such as the blockage of the aeration head or pipeline, the "back pressure" will also increase, so the pressure of the blower will increase accordingly; In addition, if the aerator breaks or the pipeline leaks, the pressure loss of the pipeline system will be reduced, and the "back pressure" will be continuously reduced, so will the pressure of the blower.
To sum up, when determining the pressure of the aeration blower, it is only required that the pressure that the blower can reach under the standard state is equal to the sum of the atmospheric pressure under the service state, the depth of the aeration tank and the pipeline loss.
三、罗茨风机选型时应关注鼓风机空气流量因素在计算污水处理的需氧量时,其结果为标准状态下所需氧的质量流量qm (kg/ min) ,再将其换算成标准状态下所需空气的容积流量qv1(m3/ min) ,如果鼓风机的使用状态不是标准状态,例如在高原地区使用,则空气密度、含湿量会发生变化,鼓风机所供应的空气容积流量与标准状态是相同的,而所供空气的质量流量将减少,有可能导致供氧量不足。
3、 Pay attention to the air flow factor of the blower when selecting Roots blower. When calculating the oxygen demand for sewage treatment, the result is the mass flow qm (kg/min) of the oxygen required under the standard state, and then convert it into the volume flow qv1 (m3/min) of the air required under the standard state. If the use state of the blower is not the standard state, such as in the plateau area, the air density and moisture content will change, The air volume flow supplied by the blower is the same as the standard state, but the mass flow of the air supplied will be reduced, which may lead to insufficient oxygen supply.
Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the volume flow that can supply the same mass flow, that is, the converted flow. When it is used in the plateau area, the ambient atmospheric pressure will also change, and the pressure ratio will increase accordingly, so the leakage flow of the blower will increase, which will reduce the volume flow of air supplied by the blower, and may also cause insufficient oxygen supply.
Therefore, the design needs to consider the influence of various factors when the service conditions change to ensure that the actual air flow supplied by the fan can meet the service requirements, and the conversion flow and leakage flow need to be calculated.
The above is a detailed introduction of Roots blower for Zhejiang sewage treatment. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services http://www.sddyfd.com/